Networks often limit the “width” of hiring and talent sourcing.

  Correlation: Social Networks and Board Composition  


Board Member Connections



Board Member Connections



Board Member Connections


       Source: Ann Owen and Judit Temesvary’s studies; Kent Stroman’s “The Intentional Board”

Bank on Women, Inc. has a database of female candidates that are qualified to serve on a bank board or c-suite.

When banks request our services to assist them in finding a new Board or C-Suite member, we search through our database of women and recommend you for the position.

We assist all of our candidates in the interview preparation and board search process, and strive to place our highly experienced candidates in leadership positions around the country.

  • Nominate

    Nominate yourself or another women through our Candidate Database Form below to be entered into our database of qualified female candidates.

    We will follow up to schedule a call between the potential candidate and a member of the Bank on Women, Inc. Board. These individual calls provide us the opportunity to get to know your skills, background, and experiences better in order to best confidently recommend you in a search.

  • Attend Our Events

    Attend Bank on Women networking events to meet the board and other member of the community banking industry.

Successful Board Searches